emily young

Week 10: Checking In

Posted on: November 3, 2014

As I move into Week 10 of my project, I am confident that it is going very well. And while I still have many things to accomplish, as long as I stick to my schedule, I should complete my project ahead of the due date during the week of December 8th. To complete my project, I need to enter the Lesson questions, finish four videos, write the trainer guide, and incorporate suggestions from peer reviews.

The biggest challenge that I have faced is motivation. While I have been highly motivated to work hard and complete my project ahead of schedule, I have recently gone through a spell of project fatigue. To combat this, I took Halloween weekend off to visit my family and recharge for the final weeks of my last semester.

One of the reasons that I experienced project fatigue is that as I was creating questions for my Lesson I suddenly realized that aside from maybe two other people (my peer reviewer and my professor) it’s is looking more and more likely that no one will ever see this course. This thought is disheartening because I put one-hundred and ten percent into everything I do, and while I don’t ever expect recognition for the work I do, I do get job satisfaction from knowing that the courses I create help others. So, will I ever be able to implement or evaluation my course. The answer is disappointingly, no.

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